ASL 110: Word Processing & Desktop Publishing 1
ASL Software Publishing - Word Processing - Desktop Publishing PAK 1 (1995).ISO
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This file, now distributed with all copies, will help you ensure you have
the latest version which may be useful for your particular needs. Find your
version number below, then review enhancements subsequent to it. Enhancement
announcements generally are distributed to registered users only for updates
offering major features and/or fixing significant bugs. (Note: Some interim
versions aren't publicly released.)
Vers Date Comments
==== ========= ==============================================================
3.11 21 MAR 89 -Added continually-updated graphic display of percentage of
file translated for user convenience.
3.10 2 MAR 89 -Major rewrite of menu displays for faster, more effective
screens. We're particularly proud of accomplishing this while
maintaining EASYTYPE's compatibility with all of more than
100 terminals used by various MS-DOS/PC-DOS and CP/M
-Small bug in the input routine for one of Option Menu 2
-Fixed bug which had recently crept into function which guards
against user entry of illegal filenames.
-Minor touch-up throughout program.
3.01 15 FEB 89 -V. 3.00 added a sophisticated, undocumented filename error-
checking routine. Fixed a bug in that routine which could
disallow certain valid filenames.
-Significant additional HELP program suggestions, especially
regarding handling ASCII files containing "lists" and files
created by versions 5.x of WordStar and WordPerfect.
-Enhanced processing of WordPerfect code 11.
-Minor polish throughout program.
3.00 10 JAN 89 -Fixed bug in user-environment menu which disallowed certain
quotation marks as valid entry.
same various -User-specific environment menu added so a single copy of
EASYTYPE works with virtually all typesetting and front-end
-Allowed command-line argument for configuration filename.
-Added options for WordPerfect footnotes/endnotes to include
first-lines, precede-notes, follow-notes so they could be
automatically formatted (smaller typesize or other user
preferences) by EASYTYPE rather than manually by typesetter
or front-end system.
-Enhanced handling of some WordPerfect codes (11, 12, 129-192,
150, 151--and possibly 141).
-Fixed COMMENT/FLAG toggle handling.
-Enhanced user input routines for line-end codes to allow
ANY 1- or 2-byte codes for use by some esoteric systems.
-Fixed elusive retrieve-configuration-file bugs.
-Shareware version made available.
2.14 7 DEC 88 -Revised opening screen to better indicate the ability to use
recent versions of EASYTYPE on a broader variety of systems.
-Revised handling of each WordPerfect footnote/endnote to
ensure precede-hard and follow-hard codes inserted.
-Some typesetting systems don't process last character in
file. Added code to artificially insert extra line-ends at
end of file to overcome this deficiency of such systems.
-Made WordStar "no-break space" option a toggle.
-Added modest checks to help ensure valid user-entered
-Numerous program touch-ups.
2.12 23 JUL 88 -Improved handling of control-Z codes (normally used only as
end-of-file indicators).
same 22 JUL 88 -Improved screen display to benefit CP/M versions.
-Added code to avoid error if user attempts to enter same
filename at configuration and word-processor prompts.
same 14 JUL 88 -Converted END-BOLD, END-ITALIC and END-DOUBLESTRIKE codes all
to one MAIN TYPEFACE code for user convenience.
-Gave more meaningful names to BOLD, ITALIC, DOUBLESTRIKE and
-Improved algorithm for multiple consecutive line-ends in
ASCII mode.
-Filesizes reported on File Analysis Screen to aid in
confirming proper mode had been selected.
2.11 8 JUL 88 -Registered users of all prior versions provided with a copy
of this version, containing all enhancements/fixes to date.
.... .........
1.00 22 FEB 89 -WordStar-only version created for in-house use.